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Show and Tell Culture - Ebony Wright introduces 'Demolition' a zine collection of words and photographs

In the first of our SHOW AND TELL CULTURE series we are delighted to welcome local photographer and writer Ebony Wright to Left Bank. In this session, Ebony will share her creative process and inspiration for the creation of her zine 'Demolition'.

"Demolition is a 24 page collection of written passages consisting of; texts, voice notes, letters unsent, hysteria, impulsiveness, from my first heartbreak with the aim of helping others feel less alone in theirs. These written passages are paired with 35mm film photographs of partly demolished and partly built buildings around Leeds city centre." Ebony Wright

This intimate event will feature a talk and readings from Demolition by Ebony, an opportunity to ask questions and have discussion around the themes of this and Ebony's current project. There will be copies of 'Demolition' available to purchase for £8.

We are passionate about supporting the talent in our community, if you have a creative passion you would love to share in your own 'show and tell' session please contact

Tickets for this event are FREE with an option to make a donation to support our creative programming.


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